ISO Standards

Last update by Mitar Papovic
ISO Standards

ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007


ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007


Energo MAKSYSTEM D.O.O. with experience of more than a decade in the design, supervision and construction of the building facilities of construction work, in the course of 2012, has finished the  process of implementation of the Integrated Management System (IMS) consisting of a Quality Management System (ISO 9001: 2008), System Environmental Management (ISO 14001: 2004) and the management system of occupational health and safety (OHSAS 18001: 2007).
The company Energo MAKSYSTEM D.O.O. showed improvement in the provision of services the implementation of IMS  in the form of construction work, in which the quality of services is the primary goal of the company. In addition to quality, which is a result of the traceability system, organized teamwork and control of all processes, the company Energo MAKSYSTEM LLC shows the protection and safety of its employees, as well as the preservation and protection in environment.




Management of "Energo MAKSYSTEM" DOO and all employees are committed to continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007.


Our policies and objectives are:

• - The fulfillment of customer requirements and end-users for the service of high quality delivered within the agreed period;
• - Compliance with legislation and fulfillment of obligations to the state;
• - Developing long-term and correct relationship with suppliers;
• - securing a continuous technological development process;
• - Meeting expectations of employees;
• - Motivating employees to actively participate in improving the quality of the work process.
• - Enforce laws and regulations in the field of environmental protection and safety,
• - constantly working on improving the organization of work aimed at the rational use of raw materials, energy, water and land and to prevent accidents, accidents at work,
• - Continuously improve the performance of environmental protection,
• - The company's goal is to provide a sustainable, healthy and safe working environment and to minimize any potential risks faced by employees, visitors, and others who may be exposed to the impact of the activities that the organization performs
• - make available to the public policy of our integrated management system.


The achievement of the objectives continually improve operational efficiency and financial potential "Energo MAKSYSTEM" , in the interest of the owner, all employees and the community at large.

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